Support Us

Become a Part of Preserving the Legacy

Supporting The Preservers will be a pledge you will never forget, as the rewards of funding this project include knowing that you are securing your ākhirah by serving the inheritance of the Prophets; you are also securing the future of this Ummah, as The Preservers are able to, by way of your generous assistance, serve all who are in need of guidance and certainty in the religion, mental health advocacy and spiritual wellness coaching, leadership opportunities and training, and affordable, quality opportunities to learn the Qur’ān. We are only able to provide these essential services to the community through your donations.

We pray that your gift is sufficient as a proof of your faith. May it be a means for your purification, elevation, and acceptance. Allāh accept from us all. Āmīn.

All Sustaining contributions are tax-deductible, and are made to, The Preservers, a 501(c)(3) organization.

If you'd prefer to make a one-time contribution instead, click here.