The Seeker's Path is a nine-month, once a week, live online program,
to help busy young professionals and parents easily implement
prophetic character in their daily lives & relationships.

Sundays from 9:30am-11:00am CST

September 22, 2024 - June 1, 2025
with Imam Isa ibn Matta

Begin My Journey











"It is one of the most life changing classes I have taken with nearly immediate results. Week by week, I saw myself changing habits that I had been trying to change for several years."

Nimrah B., Young Professional

"The lessons Seekers are ones you can apply for literally the rest of your life and bring you closer to Allah. Even if you were to only attend one class, it would change you."

Asad M., Medical Student

"This completely changed my life because any time I’m going through something this program has something for me to reflect upon and to motivate me."

Abas M., College Student

"That has helped me be a better slave of Allāh, better daughter to my parents, better wife to my husband, and better mother to my children. In all facets of life it has helped me." 

Amelia M., Mother of 2


Be The Best Version of Yourself

No matter your role as a learner, educator, professional, or parent strive to exemplify the character of the Prophet ﷺ by adopting simplified codes that are easy to remember and apply in every aspect of your life.

Improve Your Worship

Embrace the character of the Prophet ﷺ, master the etiquettes of seeking knowledge, and gain an introduction to each Islamic science. This will not only deepen your worship but also prepare you to pursue further studies wherever you go.

Have Better Relationships

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was the most beloved figure of his time and remains so throughout history. By embodying the character of the Beloved ﷺ, you can earn the love of people and, more importantly, the love of Allah.

Enroll Now

You're probably wondering, how do I actually become like the Prophet ﷺ?

You've probably tried various methods like watching YouTube videos, Instagram reels, or TikToks, but nothing seems to stick. Maybe you've attended lectures or the Jummah Khutbah, but they haven't had the impact you hoped for.

You want to become more like the Prophet ﷺ, follow his teachings, and improve yourself, but you're unsure how to start.

There are full-time learning options at different institutions, but the commitment can be overwhelming. You're busy—with work, kids, school, or other responsibilities.

Don't worry, there is a way..

You're probably wondering, how do I actually become like the Prophet ﷺ?

You've probably tried various methods like watching YouTube videos, Instagram reels, or TikToks, but nothing seems to stick. Maybe you've attended lectures or the Jummah Khutbah, but they haven't had the impact you hoped for.

You want to become more like the Prophet ﷺ, follow his teachings, and improve yourself, but you're unsure how to start.

There are full-time learning options at different institutions, but the commitment can be overwhelming. You're busy—with work, kids, school, or other responsibilities.

Don't worry, there is a way..

So, what can you do to make a real change in your life?

1. Start by setting aside a specific time each week, away from work and family obligations, can be most beneficial. Consider early weekends—but not too early!

2. Next by doing something consistently. Avoid overwhelming yourself with too much at once. Engaging with content once a week allows you to digest what you've learned and build new habits between sessions.

3. Lastly, support is crucial. Accessible teachers make a significant difference in your growth. Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals who share your goals can greatly enhance your experience.


If this approach resonates with you, we're glad you're in the right place...


The Seeker's Path

The Preservers have designed The Seeker's Path, a transformative program to help you embody the character of the Prophet ﷺ in any situation you encounter.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ serves as the ultimate example for character development, navigating life’s challenges, enhancing relationships, and deepening our worship.

As Allah says in Surah Qalam (68:4): "And you are surely on an excellent standard of character."

The goal of this program is to inspire your heart to emulate the greatest of mankind ﷺ and integrate his example into every aspect of your life.

This is how you'll do it:


1. Understand how the context for revelation through the Seerah and Islamic Sciences deepen our love for Allah's Guidance.

2. Deepen your knowledge and understanding of each ayah and explore the essence of excellent character.

3. Extract the wisdom and benefits shared by scholars and how to apply each concept

4. Understand the relevant benefits that we can draw from historical wisdom and apply to our modern era.

5. Follow and practice each code of conduct by implementing it in your daily life and how to turn it into a lifelong habit.

Begin My Journey

The Seeker's Path was a complete heart softening, soul purifying experience that demanded I look first at myself and actions each week then look at ways to remedy myself for the better.

–– Nina M.


Character Codes

Codes of Conduct derived from Surah Al-Hujurat. This surah contains etiquettes for the Muslim community.


  • Respecting Authority
  • Patience
  • Conflict
  • Brotherhood & Sisterhood
  • Positive Assumption
  • Bullying
  • Racism
  • Humility
Islamic Sciences

We will cover an overview of the major sciences in Islam and how it manifests in one's character.


  • Aqeedah
  • Qur'an
  • Qira'aat
  • Tafsir
  • Hadith
  • Fiqh
  • Arabic
  • History
Contemporary Topics

Key topics every Seeker must know how to navigate, especially in regard to our era.


  • Social Media
  • Music
  • Friendship
  • Intergender Education
  • Marriage
  • Addictions
  • Atheism
  • Hypocrisy

Learn timeless principles from our Beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, gain exposure to Islamic sciences, and acquire lifelong etiquette for seeking knowledge.

Live Online Program
Sundays from 9:30am-11am CST
September 22, 2024 - June 1, 2025

Begin My Journey

"Every Muslim should take this and implement it in their lives to better themselves and the people around them. Ustadh Isa not only teaches but exemplifies what is taught by implementing it himself."

–– Fauzaan M.


Imam Isa ibn Matta

Imam Isa ibn Matta is a Co-Founder, Director, and Lead Instructor for The Preservers. He is dedicated to serving the community through education, youth work, and da’wah.

He grew up in Kentucky, went to Christian Seminary School, and served as a Youth Minister for years until through the bounty of Allah, Imam Isa embraced Islam in 2013. Since then he has had the honor to study with over a dozen Shuyukh, ranging from such esteemed places of knowledge such as the University of Madinah, Azhar University, Morocco, Pakistan, India, and Palestine. Imam Isa has been blessed to complete some ijaazaat in the Holy Qur’an, Arabic, Qira’aat, Tafsir, History, Aqeedah, and Tajweed.

His secular studies include: Psychology, Philosophy, Communications, English, Arts, Project Management Professionalism, and certifications in Mental Health. He has also worked with many masajid, schools, and Islamic organizations from Texas all the way to the east coast.

Imam Isa strives to make Islam practical and accessible for people of all ages to help them meet Allah with Him pleased with them.

"This was an answer to my prayers to be able to begin to digest Islamic knowledge. This can help any Muslim understand the vastness of their religion, come out with meaningful and practical information, and be prepared for deeper study."

–– Talhah M.


Comprehensive 9-Month Transformative Program

Includes in-depth, live sessions with interactive discussions.

Lifetime Access to the Online Learning Portal

You get LIFETIME access to all the program content. You can go back and review lessons at anytime.

Ask Instructor Your Own Questions

As a seeker on the path, you have direct access to Imam Isa to ask any questions you have, inside and outside of class.

Cohort Chat

You can apply what you learn with your classmates and help each other grow as a lifelong cohort.


Teaching Assistants (TAs)

TAs will help guide you along the way and lead review sessions to help implement and strengthen what you learn.


Qur'an Instructors will help you memorize Surah Hujurat to help solidify recall and memory of the Codes of Conduct.


Assessments for opportunities to earn a certificate of completion or mastery in what you learned. 

Can receive recommendation letter for any Islamic Studies Institution, upon completion of Mastery.

BONUS: Fulfill Prerequisite for Al-Hirz Institute Courses.


Here are your two options:

Take It Slow


9-Month Plan

  • 9 Months of Live Classes that you can watch from any device, anywhere.
  • Group Chat with Imam Isa and Cohort
  • Lifetime Access To Online Learning Portal 
  • Ask Your Own Questions 
  • BONUS: Fulfill Prerequisite for Al-Hirz Institute Courses
  • BONUS: Preservers' Pass (recordings of previous classes and group chat)
Begin Now

One & Done



  • 9 Months of Live Classes that you can watch from any device, anywhere.
  • Group Chat with Imam Isa and Cohort
  • Lifetime Access To Online Learning Portal 
  • Ask Your Own Questions 
  • BONUS: Fulfill Prerequisite for Al-Hirz Institute Courses
  • BONUS: Preservers' Pass (recordings of previous classes and group chat)
Begin Now

If you want to participate but affordability is an issue...

We don't want finances to be a barrier. Please click here to submit a scholarship request form and our team will be in touch.

Have More Questions?

Book a call here with our Islamic Studies Director to gain clarity on any questions or concerns you may have! 


Here are your two options:

The Seeker's Path


$750 One-Time

  • 9 Months of Live Classes that you can watch from any device, anywhere.
  • Group Chat with Imam Isa and Cohort
  • Lifetime Access To Online Learning Portal 
  • Ask Your Own Questions 
  • BONUS: Memorization, TAs, Certificate

If you want to participate but affordability is an issue...

We don't want money to be a barrier. Please click here to submit a scholarship request form and our team will be in touch.










No Risk. Only Reward

We’re sure that you will love our class inshā’Allāh but in the unlikely circumstance that you don't, there is a 14-day money-back guarantee from the start date of the program.

With this 100% satisfaction guarantee, you have nothing to lose... but potentially a lot to gain, insha’Allah.



"I highly recommend you take this class, it is a once in a lifetime experience."

- Sabeen M.

"Very practical, understandable reasons for how we implement codes into our lives."

- Huzaifa S.

"My favorite part was genuinely finding so much hope through every thing that we learned."

- Noor A.



"I highly recommend you take this class, it is a once in a lifetime experience."

- Sabeen M.


"Very practical, understandable reasons for how we implement codes into our lives."

- Huzaifa S.


"My favorite part was genuinely finding so much hope through every thing that we learned."

- Noor A.


Need more information or have additional questions? This is where you can find the answers!

Begin My Journey