Transform Into
The Ideal Muslim Me
This Summer 

Join us on this fundamental journey of building a
new relationship with Islam that will transform every aspect in your life, for Teens and Adults

Become A Whole New You By The End of Summer


Lives Are Changing...

"Before this class, I didn't know what it meant to truly be a Muslim."

- Muhammad, Islam A to Z

"Since SOS, I am proud to be a Muslim and have peace in knowing Allah created everything with His Wisdom"

- Ayesha, Solutions of Society

"Islam A-Z is a class that may sound simple but is beneficial for Muslims at all levels. It takes the information that we may have been hearing our entire life and truly teaches you how to carry it in your daily life...."

- Mansuri, Islam A to Z

You Don't Need To Commit Full-Time Or Study Abroad To Live Islam - You CAN DO IT Right Here, Right Now.


We often hear that Islam holds the answers to a happy life, yet implementing it can be challenging.

However, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ tells us that "Religion is Easy."

It's simple:

Live according to the teachings of Allah and His Messenger ﷺ through the Qur'an and Sunnah.

So why does it become difficult?

Unfortunately, many of us were taught the foundations of Islam in a mundane way—

Treating the Pillars of Iman and Islam as mere checklists,

Fiqh as confusing differences of opinion,

and the Seerah of the Prophet ﷺ as a history lesson.

This made it hard for us to love and appreciate our Deen, hindering our desire to practice and share it.

But these concepts from the religion are what allow us to become our best selves.

By learning the Pillars of the Religion, you can truly understand Allah and seek His pleasure.

Exploring the Shari'ah reveals the beauty in this way of life.

Studying the legacy of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ fuels your determination to emulate him.

Instantly, you will witness change in our mindset, health, wealth, and relationships.

You will keep Allah in mind in everything we do, prioritize self-care following our Prophet's example, see the benefits of giving and receiving blessings, and become Prophetic in our interactions with others.

This summer, join the Preservers on a transformative journey to change your relationship with your faith forever!

The Ideal Muslim program offers an engaging community, meaningful discussions, and lifelong connections with like-minded individuals.

Let's embark on this journey together.

We're Talking About Using a Simple Life-Changing Process:

1. Understand What It Means To Be A Muslim While Trumping Pre-Conceived Notions

2. Apply The Lessons Learned Class-to-Class With A Community

3. Transform Into A Confident Muslim By Experiencing The Growth In Your Life

All for a price so affordable, ANYONE can access it and transform their lives!

The Ideal Muslim Program

For Adults (18+)

Islam A-Z

July 7 - August 4

Practice the pillars of faith and Islam—learn what it means to be a Muslim with Islam A to Z! This beneficial course covers the basics of everything you need know to establish a healthy foundation for your spiritual journey or deepen your knowledge.


Solutions of Society

July 9 - August 6

Learn the 'SOS' needed in our lives through an intensive course on how Islamic Law and Islamic Rulings help you and society in every facet of life.


For Teens (12-17)

We Believe

July 8 - August 7

Cultivating Confidence for Young Muslims to Meet Allāh


The Ideal Muslim Program

For Adults (17+)

For Teens (12-17)

Islam A-Z

July 7 - August 4

Practice the pillars of faith and Islam—learn what it means to be a Muslim with Islam A to Z! This beneficial course covers the basics of everything you need know to establish a healthy foundation for your spiritual journey or deepen your knowledge.


Solutions of Society

July 9 - August 6

Learn the 'SOS' needed in our lives through an intensive course on how Islamic Law and Islamic Rulings help you and society in every facet of life.


We Believe

July 8 - August 7

An interactive and inspiring course designed to build confidence and conviction in young Muslims to become stabilized in their Islamic identity.


1. Islam A to Z

Understand the Core Foundations of Islam Completely
With Ustadh Isa ibn Matta
Ages 17+ | July 7 - August 4, 2024
Sundays from 10:30am-12:00pm CST

Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allāh ﷺ said,

"Whoever travels a path in search of knowledge, Allah will make easy for him a path to Paradise. 

[Sahih Muslim] 

A comprehensive crash course that encompasses both the Pillars of Iman and the Pillars of Islam.

This course is designed for Muslims of all ages and backgrounds - whether you're a revert, new to practicing, well-studied, or seeking to deepen your knowledge.

Unlike fragmented, tedious learning experiences that leave you responsible for piecing it all together,

'Islam A to Z' is taught in an engaging and motivating way to walk away feeling truly educated and enlightened on the essentials of Islam.

Are you ready to be empowered to practice and propagate your Deen with conviction?

Take the first step towards a more confident relationship with your faith.


What's Covered:

6 Pillars of Faith Explained

Belief in Allah: Loving Him

Belief in Angels: Knowing Them

Belief in His Books: Preserving It

Belief in His Messengers: Following Them

Belief in The Last Day: Preparing For It

Belief in Divine Destiny: Understanding Our Role

5 Pillars of Islam Explained

Shahada (Declaration of Faith): Calling Others to Islam

Salah (Prayer): Guide to Sweetness of Wudu & Salah

Siyam (Fasting): Essence of Ramadan

Zakah (Alms): Purifying Our Wealth

Hajj (Pilgrimage): The Journey Home

2. Solutions of Society

Your Greatest Lifeline is Turning to the Wisdom in Islam
With Ustadh Isa ibn Matta
Ages 17+ | July 9 - August 6, 2024

Tuesdays from 7pm-8:30pm CST

Ibn al-Qayyim said

"Verily, the Shari'ah is founded upon wisdom and welfare for the servants in this life and the afterlife. In its entirety it is justice, mercy, benefit, and wisdom."

[I’lām al-Muwaqqi’īn]

An intensive course on how Islamic Law and Islamic Rulings help you and society in every facet of life. 

We have simplified the objectives and principles of the Shari'ah (Islamic Law) for every person to implement.

No matter who you are, the Shari'ah is a way of life that has been codified for centuries for everyone to benefit from. 

We often hear Shari'ah in a negative connotation, but what does it really mean?

Understanding and living the Shari'ah is what sparked the change at the time of the Prophet ﷺ and allowed that generation to become the best at a secular, financial, and spiritual level.

'Solutions of Society' is the SOS needed in our lives to transcend the differences of opinion, dismantle your doubts, and be inspired help better our world.

Become a solution to society by turning to the wisdom in Islam.


What's Covered:

What is Shari’ah

(Islamic Law)

Maqasid Al-Shari’ah
(The 5 Objectives of Divine Legislation)

Introduction to Fiqh:
The Implementation of Shari’ah

Introduction to Usul ul-Fiqh
(The Principles of the Interpretation of Shari’ah)

The Maxims of Islamic Jurisprudence

Comparison of Shari’ah
with the 
Systems, Laws, and Ethics of Today


3. We Believe

Discover What It Means For You To Believe

With Brother Zeeshan Parupia
Ages 12-17 | July 8 - August 7, 2024

Mondays & Wednesdays from 6pm-7pm CST 

Allāh says in the Qur'an:

"They all believe in Allah, His angels, His Books, and His messengers. They proclaim, “We make no distinction between any of His messengers.” And they say, “We hear and obey. We seek Your forgiveness, our Lord! And to You is the final return.”


Islam is a communal-based religion, encouraging us to grow and learn together. However, as society becomes more individualized, maintaining faith can be challenging, especially for our young brothers and sisters.

In Middle School and High School, your child's beliefs are often tested in environments that promote everything but Islam. This can lead to many questions about the "what," "why," and "how" of essential aspects of the religion.

'We Believe' is an interactive and inspiring course designed to build confidence and conviction in young Muslims through engaging discussions and strong companionship.

Enroll your teenager in 'We Believe' to help them navigate these formative years with a stronger, more resilient faith.



What's Covered:

Faith: Why do you believe?

God: Who is Allah?

Angels: Who are they?

Books: How does the Qur'an affect me?

Messengers: Who are our role models?

Obedience: Who do we listen to?

Forgiveness: When is it too late?

Paradise: Are you ready to meet your Creator?

What's the point of it all?

The Ideal Muslim Is For You If…

You're ready for true transformation - a class that inspires you and develops change 

You want to improve your relationships with your family, friends, spouse, and those you work with

You want a community of like-minded individuals who are striving to become their best selves

You want a change in your life, and want to see it directly affect your character and relationships

You want to learn from someone who is relatable and trying their best to live Islam

What You'll Receive When You Register: 

✓ 5 Weeks of Live Classes that you can watch from any device, anywhere.

✓ Interactive Discussions with Instructors so that you can ask your questions and be engaged.

✓ Group Chat with Instructor to apply what you learn with your classmates and help each other grow.

✓ Session Recordings just in case you can’t make it to the live sessions.

✓ Assessments for opportunities to earn a certificate and mastery in what you learned.

✓ Teaching Assistants to help guide you along the way.

✓ Preservers' Pass, an exclusive portal with recordings of previous classes and group chat with updates for everything we do!

Transforming Lives...

"Ustadh Isa takes a complex topic and makes it easy for anyone to understand and apply to their life!"

- Iman, Solutions of Society

"This course is an eye opener in understanding what Allah really wants when He says: 'And I did not create the Jinn and mankind except to worship Me.' [51:56]
Ustadh Isa is able to relate topics ranging from Shahadah to Aqeedah in a manner that suits all regardless of your religious knowledge."

- Ibrahim, Islam A to Z

"You learn that not only is Shari’ah a salvation for you from the ills of society and your own self, but in it is salvation for the entire world - it’s a solution to every problem that plagues society at large."

- Abdurrahman, Solutions of Society

"Ustadh Isa is an exceptional teacher who effortlessly simplifies complex concepts, making learning a joy. His broad knowledge, engaging personality, and dedication to students' progress create an inspiring environment where curiosity flourishes. Ustadh Isa's transformative classes leave a lasting impact on anyone who takes his classes Alḥamdulillāh."

- Aisha, Islam A to Z

"To see how the Shariah is truly a means of salvation for every aspect of a Muslim’s daily life - this course changed my entire outlook on how I expected to stand before Him without learning about the guidelines to Jannah He specifically sent for us as code of law."

- Hibah, Solutions of Society

Become a Whole New You By The End of Summer

Learn Islam from a new perspective and see all aspects of your life change...


Meet Your Instructors

Ustadh Isa ibn Matta

Ustadh Isa ibn Matta is a Co-Founder, Director, and Lead Instructor for The Preservers. He is dedicated to serving the community through education, youth work, and da’wah.

He grew up in Kentucky, went to Christian Seminary School, and served as a Youth Minister for years until through the bounty of Allah, Ust. Isa embraced Islam in 2013. Since then he has had the honor to study with over a dozen Shuyukh, ranging from such esteemed places of knowledge such as the University of Madinah, Azhar University, Morocco, Pakistan, India, and Palestine. Ust. Isa has been blessed to complete some ijaazaat in the Holy Qur’an, Arabic, Qira’aat, Tafsir, History, Aqeedah, and Tajweed.

His secular studies include: Psychology, Philosophy, Communications, English, Arts, Project Management Professionalism, and certifications in Mental Health. He has also worked with many masajid, schools, and Islamic organizations from Texas all the way to the east coast.

Ustadh Isa strives to make Islam practical and accessible for people of all ages to help them become their best Muslim self. 

Brother Zeeshan Parupia

Brother Zeeshan Parupia is a Co-Founder & Chief Operating Officer of The Preservers and the Executive Director of Visionaries. Born and raised in Dallas, TX, he has been committed to serving the community and seeking knowledge since 14 years old.

Br. Zeeshan graduated from the University of Texas at Dallas with his Bachelors and Masters in Marketing. During his time at university, he was heavily involved with MSA, AΛΜ, and Masjid Youth Groups, and continues to serve as an advisor. He has studied previously at ISRA Seminary, Suhbah Seminary, and Al-Hirz Institute. Currently he is enrolled at Qalam Seminary.

He had previously worked with Salam Media, Brighter Horizons Academy, ISRA Foundation, and WhyIslam Dallas. Br. Zeeshan loves to write poetry, perform spoken word, create short films, and coach upcoming leaders.

Brother Zeeshan hopes to fill the hearts of young Muslims with the love of Allah, Islam, and the Prophet ﷺ, insha’Allah.

Have The Best Summer Yet, Join Us Now!

The Ideal Muslim | Bundle



$200 Bundle (Save $50)

  • Comprehensive 5-Week Live Online Courses (Islam A to Z & Solutions of Society)
  • Lifetime Access To All Session Recordings
  • Course Group Chats
  • Certification of Completion
  • BONUS: Preservers' Pass (Chat & Recorded Webinars)

We Believe for Teens



$100 Launch Special (Save $25)

  • Comprehensive 5-Week Live Online Course: We Believe
  • Lifetime Access To All Session Recordings
  • Course Group Chats
  • Certification of Completion
  • BONUS: Preservers' Pass (Chat & Recorded Webinars)

Islam A to Z


  • A comprehensive 5-Week ‘Islam A->Z’ Live Online Course
  • Recordings, Group Chat, Certification, Preservers' Pass

Solutions of Society


  • A comprehensive 5-Week ‘Solutions of Society’ Live Online Course
  • Recordings, Group Chat, Certification, Preservers' Pass

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This is where you can find the answers!